Feeling and Looking YoungerFeeling and Looking Younger

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Feeling and Looking Younger

After I finished having my kids, I knew that I wanted a mommy makeover. My stomach was in terrible shape, my arms looked completely destroyed, and my legs had been carrying weight for years. I wanted a full body overhaul, so I started by doing what I could to look and feel younger. I started exercising each and every day, and then I worked hard on doing my hair and makeup better. It was amazing to see the difference it made, but I wanted something more. I consulted with a cosmetic surgeon, and I scheduled the surgery that changed my life for the better. Check out this blog for more information on looking and feeling younger.

3 Causes Of Facial Redness To Discuss With Your Dermatologist

People associate a red face with blushing. But if your face looks red for more than a few minutes when you're embarrassed or ashamed, there's something more serious going on. Most causes of facial redness are dermatological in nature — in other words, they directly have to do with your skin. Your best course of action, then, is to visit a dermatologist. Here are some of the conditions they will consider as possible causes of your prolonged facial redness.

1. Rosacea

Rosacea is one of the most common causes of facial redness. It also causes small, pimple-like blemishes, and it can make your nose start to thicken and look bulbous. Most of the redness associated with rosacea is found in the cheeks. It can feel like you are blushing, but the feeling lasts for hours, not minutes. Treatment for rosacea generally involves identifying and avoiding your triggers, which may include sun exposure, spicy foods, and hot water. Oral antibiotics may also help. Some dermatologists have begun prescribing ivermectin for rosacea. It is thought that tiny mites can contribute to some cases, and ivermectin kills these tiny mites.

2. Atopic Dermatitis

Atoptic dermatitis is also called eczema. If your redness is caused by atopic dermatitis, your face will usually also be itchy and dry. The symptoms may come and go, lasting for a few days or weeks each time. Atopic dermatitis is usually the result of a sensitivity to ingredients in products you are using. Your dermatologist may recommend switching to a wash, lotion, and other products without any added scents or colorants. They may also prescribe a corticosteroid cream for you to use on a short-term basis. 

3. Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis causes itching, flaky skin, and redness similar to that seen with atopic dermatitis. However, it is often seen along the scalp and may extend onto the face. It can cause dandruff and skin flaking similar to dandruff. Sebhorreic dermatitis is usually a longer-lasting condition than atopic dermatitis. While avoiding skincare products with harsh ingredients will help, most patients also need to use therapeutic creams and washes to keep the symptoms under control. Those that contain coal tar are really beneficial. 

If your face is often red and uncomfortable, get in touch with a dermatologist. They can figure out the root cause of your redness, which will enable them to recommend the best skincare routine and medications for your needs.

To learn more, contact a dermatology clinic.